Gordon Matta-Clark (June 22, 1943 – August 27, 1978)
As a child of two artists ( Anne Clark and the Chilean Surrealist painter Roberto Clark) GMC was doomed to have to be an artist. His problem was that he didn't give a fuck. His solution was that he didn't give a fuck about the achievements of humankind or architecture in general and decided to just "fuckin cut that shit in half".
"... Its just like... every time I see a building I just need to bisect the shit out of it. I feel like I have no other option." - GMC
People that are/were totally pissed about this artwork:
1. Frank Lloyd Wright
2. Le Courbousier
3. Antonio Gaudi
People totally stoked on this artwork:
1. Gallagher
2. The kid that always wished he could live with his parents but somehow be in another house
3. People who believe in the art gnar movement.
This piece also reminds me of one of the most gnar Hot Topic Anthems ever played at the ear piercing kiosk at the mall.
Let it be known:
Gordon Matta-Clark was a home wrecker, and a true Gnartist.